[Me as an other]

Paris. Long walks on the edge of Canal de l’Ourcq.Vampire Museum, lit, punk, post-metal & apocalypse.

[Fütüristika! Zine]

Fütüristika is/was a bilingual online/printed magazine, dedicated to art and culture in all of its various forms. dedicated to counter-culture in all of its various forms. The magazine is a collective of articles on any subject that is grotesque, public enemy, pleasurable, weird on a variety of themes such as fine arts, music, literature, cinema, culture, politics and violence. With a community of contributors, it promotes the work of established and emerging artists.

Awards and selections: Colophon 09, Biennal International Magazine Symposium (Luxembourg, 2009); Library exhibition in the Magazines of Omotesando Hills and (Tokyo, 2009); First International Roaming Biennial of Tehran (Berlin, 2008) ; Winner of «The Head Project» award (Bursa & Istanbul, 2010) ; International exhibition «even my mum can make a book» (Istanbul, 2010).


[Rester Etranger]

An art collective. It aims to produce and support participatory and innovative artistic experiences, committed to hybrid formats and procedural and sustainable temporalities.